Happiness, Inspiration, Life, Motivation

Sky quotes | Quotes on Sky | Quotes about sky | Sky images |


“Sky is the limit”

This is something that we hear on and often. But sometimes when you have to simply admire the beauty of the pretty sky, words fall short.

So if you are looking for some quotes or one-liners on sky, find some from here. Take a look at our collection for the best Sky quotes | Quotes on Sky | Quotes about sky | Sky images |

Sky quotes | Quotes on Sky | Quotes about sky | Sky images |

1.You are the sky. Everything else is just the weather.

2. There would be a sky full of stars if we were all meant to wish on the same one.

3. The sky was dressed in black silk and silver stars. I’d never been graced with such beauty before.

4.May all your blues be the ocean and the sky.

5. I’m at home in the cloud.

6. Look up and get lost.

7. Selenophilia. (loving the moon and finding it soothingly captivating)

8. Moon dust in your lungs. Stars in your eyes. You are a child of the cosmos. A ruler of the skies.

9. I am in the mood to dissolve in the sky.

10. Look up and contemplate how amazing life is.

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